
I am very proud of what the board has accomplished during my three terms. Some of the highlights include:

  • The introduction of The Portrait of a Lakota Graduate and a focus on the 4 Es
    • Enlistment, Entrepreneurship, Employment or Enrollment
  • The introduction of school based mental-health professionals 
  • Expanded access to technology for our students
  • The development & success of the Cyber Academy 
  • The re-introduction of bussing for Freshman and specials for elementary students
  • The addition of a military commitment ceremony
  • Community Conversation Program
  • Balanced budget for 10+ years and financial reserves in excess of $100M

I have been proud to partner with our administrators and my fellow board members to provide expanded offerings for our students in a fiscally responsible manner. 

An important part of my role as a board member is to attend events across the district. Whether it’s a game, a concert, or a theater production, I see the value that all of these programs provide for our students in preparing them for their future. Watching students light up when they take the stage, or cross the finish line with an exhausted smile reminds us all that these opportunities are an important part of what makes our district great. 

I currently serve on the Diversity, Finance, Policy, and Safety Committees. I am also Lakota’s Representative at Butler Tech.